Karen White étend son rôle afin de renforcer l’offre de la Firme en gestion de crise et cybersécurité

(Le communiqué est en anglais.)

NATIONAL is pleased to announce Karen White’s expanded role at NATIONAL Public Relations as Senior Vice-President, Crisis and Issues Management, with a mandate to bolster the Firm’s crisis and cybersecurity communications offerings, coast-to-coast.

With more than two decades of experience in communications, Karen provides executive counsel and strategic advice to a wide range of organizations as they navigate complex challenges. Specializing in strategic communications and cyber incident response planning, crisis communications, reputation and issues management, and stakeholder, government and media relations, Karen’s expanded role positions the Firm for further growth in these highly in-demand service areas.

Karen White

« From supporting on complex cyber incident response efforts following disruptive cyber-attacks in the health care system, to counseling on communications following recent ransomware attacks on national retail chains with impacts to business operations and privacy breach of employee and customer information, Karen’s expertise is extremely sought-after in this changing digital climate, as all companies navigate the evolving threat landscape, » said Brian Pearl, Managing Partner of NATIONAL‘s Toronto office. « Karen will deliver the counsel our clients need to remain prepared and protected, should they fall victim to crisis, while also enabling us to bolster our service offerings in Toronto and across the country. »

In addition to her expertise in the cybersecurity realm, Karen has led communications efforts and engagement strategies tied to advancing complex and high profile regulatory, policy and public affairs files. As a trusted partner, Karen also supports clients with managing workplace harassment or assault issues, product recalls, human rights topics, leadership transitions, and change management strategies. Karen is a sought-after speaker and trainer, who prides herself on working collaboratively to build effective reputation and brand strategies.

Karen is both public engagement and crisis management certified, leveraging her International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) and Incident Command System (ICS) certifications to provide crisis communications counsel to organizations. Karen is past Board Chair of the Maritimes Energy Association and was a Board Director with Net Zero Atlantic. Karen is currently on the Board of Directors for Quest Canada, where she is Chair of the Governance Committee.

À propos du Cabinet de relations publiques NATIONAL
​​​​​​​Le Cabinet de relations publiques NATIONAL offre des solutions de communication créatives capables de mobiliser les gens dans la réflexion et l’action. Nous réunissons une équipe de 300 professionnels chevronnés, qui s’engagent à aider les organisations de toutes tailles et de tous les secteurs à comprendre leurs défis et leurs opportunités et à résoudre les problèmes auxquels elles sont confrontées. Depuis 47 ans, NATIONAL est au cœur des enjeux et des industries qui comptent, à créer le changement pour aujourd’hui et pour demain.

NATIONAL est la plus importante firme‐conseil en relations publiques au Canada, desservant des clients dans un large éventail de secteurs, avec des bureaux à Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa, Montréal, Québec, Saint John, Halifax et Saint‐Jean. Son réseau comprend Time & Space, un chef de file en stratégie, analyse de données, planification et exécution média.

NATIONAL est une société d’AVENIR GLOBAL, la plus importante firme de communication mondiale de propriété canadienne, qui se classe parmi les 20 plus importantes firmes de communication au monde avec des bureaux dans 22 villes au Canada, aux États-Unis, en Europe et au Moyen-Orient. Pour plus de renseignements sur NATIONAL, visitez notre site Web ou suivez‐nous sur LinkedIn et X.